Livolo switches can be integrated into automated home control systems in certain cases. If the control system only requires transmission of a signal about the current state of the switch (on or off), then switches marked IH are suitable for this use. This means that the Livolo switch can be connected to the home control system in such a way as to convey information about whether a light or other electrical device is on or off.

It is important to understand, however, that for more complex scenarios, such as scheduling lighting, controlling light brightness, or turning on/off based on motion sensors, Livolo switches may not be suitable. This is because such functions may require switches with different characteristics or communication protocols that are not supported by Livolo switches.

Thus, when selecting switches for integration into automated home control systems, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of a particular system, as well as the functionality of Livolo switches or alternative options. The wrong choice of switches can lead to malfunctions in the system or the inability to implement the desired functionality.