To implement the functionality of the master button, it is necessary to use a bistable relay. This is a special type of relay that has two stable states that it can switch to under the influence of appropriate signals. The use of a bistable relay allows you to ensure the efficient operation of the master button, providing the necessary control and switching functions.

If a CM contactor is used, a bistable relay connection is also required. A CM contactor is a device used to control electrical loads, and its effective operation requires proper connection and control, which can be accomplished using a bistable relay.

For relay control, it is recommended to use switches marked IH (dry contact touch button) or H (sound touch button type). This makes it possible to provide a convenient and effective way of controlling the relay, in accordance with specific requirements and conditions of use.

Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the corresponding connection schemes to ensure correct and safe installation and operation of all equipment.