Every day we hear more and more mentions of smart homes. A smart house is a house equipped with dozens of sensors that are connected to various devices that perform certain tasks without our intervention.

What makes a smart home smart?

The term smart home may sound futuristic. In fact, I'm pretty sure you've probably come across some elements of a smart home, you just didn't know it. Think, for example, of a motion sensor that turns on a light when it detects you've walked past it. Or a temperature sensor that starts the heater when it gets too cool in the room.

Of course, you probably haven't come across a smart fridge that tells you when your milk is about to expire, or a weather forecast on your front door.

Thus, a smart home full of all kinds of sensors that send signals to a central control unit. This device controls various devices according to the instructions of the installed programs.

touch switch device

Livolo switches: a small step towards organizing a smart home

If you've already purchased a smart home, but still want to improve it for a little money without a large-scale renovation, we'll help you take some small steps to ensure that your house will become a little smarter.

For example, changing key switches to Livolo's elegant touch switches, because these products are not only fashionable, but also help us save energy, all smart elements provide a more rational use of resources.

Livolo sensor switches

Smoking switches Livolo can change the brightness when it is not needed. Discreet red lighting warns us that we forgot to turn off the light behind the door. A blind switch will close the curtains if it's really hot outside, so you don't need to use the air conditioner.

Yes, these steps may seem insignificant, but as the saying goes, a penny saves a hryvnia: a little saved energy here, a little there, and you will feel a significant saving of financial resources and help make the environment cleaner.